We have carefully curated our toolbox options to help parents invest in their child's language development during the enchanting childhood phase, with a focus on both human and computer languages.

selective focus photo of baby on green grass field
selective focus photo of baby on green grass field


Discover hidden gems in the Swiss nature with your family and child through our curated food and wellness activities, which promote a deeper appreciation for the natural world

English (PDF, Youtube, Preply, KJclass)

Unlock your child's language potential with our expert guidance and homeschooling ideas. Enroll them today and watch them become a native English speaker during this critical period. Don't miss out!

woman in white and black polka dot shirt holding white headphones
woman in white and black polka dot shirt holding white headphones

Coding (Affliated items, Preply)

In the digital age, coding is crucial for future success. Our expertly crafted curriculum and personalized instruction by experienced educators equip your child with this essential skill.

At Flying Experts, we base our toolboxes on three key principles.

Principle 1: Personalization

Flying Experts aims to personalize the language learning experience for each student based on their individual needs, goals, and learning styles. This principle recognizes that learners have different strengths and weaknesses and tailors the curriculum and instruction to meet their unique requirements.

Principle 2: Technology

Flying Experts leverages technology to create an innovative and interactive learning environment, incorporating digital tools and platforms to facilitate communication and collaboration, and providing students with real-time feedback and progress tracking.

brown and white long coated small dog wearing eyeglasses on black laptop computer
brown and white long coated small dog wearing eyeglasses on black laptop computer
Principle 3: Continuous Improvement 

Flying Experts is committed to ongoing improvement and innovation in language learning. This includes using data and feedback to refine the learning experience, staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies in language education, and continually developing and improving the curriculum and instruction.

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers
man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers

Children's brains are highly absorbent and can learn rapidly.

Don't miss this critical opportunity.